

The browser company


UX Bites

Onboarding Aha! Moment

Onboarding Aha! Moment

During onboarding, Arc will encourage you to toggle adverts on a webpage on and off, to demonstrate the difference in experience (and the value they're adding).

BFM+ exclusive

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Blocking mobile trackers

BFM+ exclusive

Unlock with BFM+

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Copied without tracking links

BFM+ exclusive

Unlock with BFM+

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Auto-updating is a silent benefit

BFM+ exclusive

Unlock with BFM+

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Incognito browsing on Arc

BFM+ exclusive

Unlock with BFM+

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An update is available

BFM+ exclusive

Unlock with BFM+

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Leveraging loss aversion

BFM+ exclusive

Unlock with BFM+

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Try Arc for a week

BFM+ exclusive

Unlock with BFM+

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Renaming download titles

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