Workaround for items without reviews

EtsyNov 2023

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Spotify prompting mixes

Spotify prompting mixes

Occasionally, Spotify will show you your top genres, and prompt if you want a playlist mix created for you.

Dynamic event previews

Dynamic event previews

When changing the default length of a calendar event, Amie shows a dynamic preview of that event using your current time.

Onboarding Aha! Moment

Onboarding Aha! Moment

During onboarding, Arc will encourage you to toggle adverts on a webpage on and off, to demonstrate the difference in experience (and the value they're adding).

Social pressure (and proof)

Social pressure (and proof)

Etsy will show a banner when there is limited stock of an item, but many people have it in their baskets.

Intelligent post tagging

Intelligent post tagging

When adding a daily journal, Joor will interpret your content and assign a title and emotion. This reduces decision fatigue by making your daily entries simpler.

Using onboarding as a nudge

Using onboarding as a nudge

Headspace nudges you into sharing your 30-day passes with a friend, at the same time as onboarding that component.