How audits work

Intentionally simple. Get the feedback that matters most.

1. Get in touch

  • I complete every audit myself (i.e., they're never outsourced), so I can only take on a few projects each month.
  • I'll typically get back to you within 48 hours.

2. Identifying the driver

  • Every audit is based on a journey, which is typically the most meaningful for your company's growth (e.g., onboarding).
  • If you're unsure what yours should be, I can help you decide that.
  • This can be a live product, a prototype or even Figma designs.


For example, through a handful of minor changes, I helped improve Quickbooks' sign-up conversions by 16%.

3. The audit

  • Normally, this will happen without much input from you—like a mystery shopper.
  • This helps protect me from internal biases (although occasionally I need to chat).
  • We can set up a Slack channel to discuss issues throughout the project.


A typical audit (of say, Twitter's onboarding) takes around 2 weeks.

4. Completion

  • You'll receive a (very large) slideshow. This is perfect for sharing between teams as it's designed to be self-explanatory.
  • I'll include a written summary of issues raised, all weighted by importance (i.e., order to fix).
  • We can then chat as much as you need, to help implement the changes.


The audit format is a slideshow, very similar to the public case studies—except in much more detail.

Why product teams love them


Highlighting friction

Most people intuitively know when something feels sluggish to use, but an audit can highlight exactly where that friction is (and how to remove it).


UX best practice

Your product will be tested in my device lab, for accessibility, device and browser issues—suggesting UX best practices that may be missing.


Context and clarity

Internal teams become blind to core context, as they become super-familiar with a subject. I'll help unearth missing contextual cues. 



I've ran experiments on literally billions of users, and will leverage my experience to suggest which UX issues to tackle first.


Suggesting experiments

Not everything is an obvious fix—I'll suggest productive A/B tests, and longer-term experiments to run.


Energise your team

Building a product is hard and torturous. I regularly hear that audits have helped to reset and energise teams.